Massive open online courses (MOOCs) and iTunesU: disruptive innovators to the traditional open distance learning (ODL) and conventional learning institutions
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Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) was created in 2001 as a platform to distribute freely accessible, openly licensed documents and for the purpose of teaching, learning, assessment and research. ITunesU was introduced in 2007 as a subset of the iTunes, proprietary media software from Apple Inc. ITunesU was created to manage, distribute, and control access to educational audio and video content for students in a college or university. This paper looks at structural issues such as accreditation and study pathways that once they have been successfully addressed can turn MOOC and iTunesU providers into full fledged ODL institutions. This might become a threat to the survival of current ODL institutions. We applied Christiansen (1997)'s disruptive innovation to this paper.
Material type
Paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities (27-29 September 2017 : Yogyajakarta, Indonesia)