This study adapted Koole’s (2009) FRAME to explore the effectiveness of tablet as a device for enhancing engagement in ODL in Wawasan Open University, Malaysia. It also assessed the important tablet features to make it an effective tool for ODL. This study adopted a single case study design trialing the use of tablet in ODL. The Microsoft Surface RT tablet was selected for use in this study. 20 students were identified as participants and provided face-to-face orientation and training on the tablet use. At the end of the training session, the tablets were handed to the participants. Tablet trialing was done throughout the July 2014 semester. Participants were encouraged to use the tablet for their learning activities and to observe and record their experiences and feedback to the researchers via email. A survey questionnaire was used to collect data. Findings indicated that the tablet was effective for the individual learner, especially for reading course materials, participation in LMS, preparation for tutorials and researching on the internet. The tablet as a tool for learning enhanced the knowledge and understanding gained from self-study. The tablet usability anytime and anywhere also enhanced ODL. It appeared that tablet use occurred more at home, averaging around 1-3 times a week. The duration of use for more frequent users was longer than not so frequent users. The tablet’s portability and user-friendliness were strengths, and its wi-fi enabled technology was important for effective tablet use in an ODL environment. This study was limited by its small sample size. Future studies may include larger samples to be able to inform the University of the feasibility of a school-wide and possibly campus-wide adoption of tablet for learning and its benefits for distance learners. Future studies may also explore in depth the strategies applied by the individual learner in enhancing their learning.
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WOU Institute of Research and Innovation
This research paper won the Award of Merit for the Best Practices of Flexible Learning Award at the International Conference on Open and Flexible Education (16-17 July 2015: Open University of Hong Kong)