Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) is increasingly being used in open distance institutions and covers all form of learning at scale. This study proposed the research for the design and development of open access course delivery in MOOC environment using OER-based computing course namely Programming Fundamentals with Java in Open Distance Learning (ODL) mode. The proposed MOOC’s study focuses on the OER-based course materials which emphasize the content delivery of derived modules within the timeframe and to achieve online facilitation study through the reuse of OER and sharing learning objects in an open access environment. The initiative is proposed from the mainstream of MOOCs as referred to as xMOOCs in providing learning environment for the learners who seek to pursue fundamental of programming skills in Java and introduction to computer technology. The initiative focuses on more exploratory assessment methods such as simulations or mini projects to facilitate learner’s learning path in dealing with specific problem-solving scenarios or case studies and also highlights the engagement between facilitators-learners and between learners themselves to promote peer learning.
Journal or Publication Title
Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Symposium on Open Educational Resources: Beyond Advocacy, Research and Policy (24-27 June 2014; Penang, Malaysia)